Second Oak Fire Rebuilding Workshop
Second Oak Fire Rebuilding Workshop Announced By Tammi Richards, Alliance Oak Fire Case Manager The Alliance for Community Transformations (Alliance) and Mariposa County Health & Human Services have partnered
The Alliance Fire Case Manager program has ended. It was a privilege to serve our community and those directly impacted by the Oak Fire. As you continue along your road to recovery, here are some County and other Agency websites that will be of assistance to you:
Mariposa County Recovers Website:
Mariposa County Developmental Services
Building Department:
Planning Department:
Environmental Health:
Mariposa County Health and Human Services:
Mariposa County Sheriff’s Office (including Office of Emergency Services):
Second Oak Fire Rebuilding Workshop Announced By Tammi Richards, Alliance Oak Fire Case Manager The Alliance for Community Transformations (Alliance) and Mariposa County Health & Human Services have partnered